AGHI offers free summer Blast Courses in the Humanities covering a wide range of topics from rom “Medieval Irish Sagas” to radical movements to “Reading Poetry for Everyday Life.”

AGHI offers free summer Blast Courses in the Humanities covering a wide range of topics from “Medieval Irish Sagas” to radical movements to “Reading Poetry for Everyday Life.”

Advancing the Humanities and Building Community

The Alexander Grass Humanities Institute (AGHI) is a focal point for the 13 world-renowned humanities departments at Johns Hopkins, other dynamic departments in the humanistic social sciences, and related centers and programs.

The institute sponsors scholarly meetings, public events, visiting scholars, and student fellowships and research projects.

Students can also pursue a PhD in Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies.

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Undergraduate Course on Middle East

The new one-credit class, “Conversations on the Crisis in the Middle East,” introduces students to vexing issues. The class is taught by political science Professor Steven David, and requires students […]