AGHI Humanities Summer Internship Grants for Undergrads

AGHI is pleased to announce support for Hopkins humanities students with an unpaid internship during the summer of 2025; internships can be entirely remote or in-person. Stipends will be awarded based on merit and need. The goal of these awards is to reduce financial pressure on students, allowing them to explore professional opportunities by choosing the best possible summer experience.


The grantee must be a declared humanities major or, if a freshman, a student who has demonstrated clear intent to pursue a humanities major through coursework, meetings with program faculty, extra-curricular activities, etc. Only current freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible.

Awards will only be given to students who can demonstrate that they will be engaged in a remote or in-person unpaid summer experience of significant merit and time commitment. Students must also work a minimum of 20 hours per week.

How To Apply

Send the following as a single PDF attachment by email to [email protected] with “Summer Grant Support” as the subject line by May 6, 2025:

  • A letter describing anticipated summer activities, including details of time commitment, responsibilities, mentorship or supervision, or other evidence of the seriousness of purpose, along with an explanation of the significance of the opportunity for academic and professional development and an explanation of why funds are necessary to take on this opportunity which includes a description of your anticipated costs.
  • Directed supporting materials are encouraged, including (as appropriate) a copy of the internship description, the student’s internship application cover letter, confirmation of the internship offer, and communications from summer supervisors or mentors.

*The letter of application must confirm that this is an unpaid experience. Students may be asked to demonstrate this and/or their commitment to the opportunity, depending on the circumstances.

AGHI will review the applications promptly and expects to have a response to students by the end of May.