Kyoungjin Bae Assistant Professor of Chinese History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Mergenthaler 266

To the Sea, To the Mountain: Cantonese Woodwork in the Indian Ocean during the Nineteenth Century @ This talk examines the mobility of Cantonese woodwork, a vibrant regional craft in the Pearl River Delta, and its impact on artisanal practices through a case study of woodworkers’ movement to the Indian Ocean during the nineteenth century. […]


Anthroplogy Seminar Room

@ East Asian Studies is co-sponsoring:  JHU Anthro Colloquium Series Unrepayable Debt:Post-imperial Redress, Repair and Reconciliation in East Asia Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live

Book Presentation – George Padmore

@ Mergenthaler 426 The Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies, the department of Political Science & the Center for Africana Studies, are pleased to welcome Juan Francisco Martínez Peria (History, Universidad Nacional de San Martín) for a conversation about his book Book Presentation – George Padmore. The Black Radical Tradition and the Liberation […]

Pursuing Social Sciences Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed-Methods

@ Wyman 350 s part of URSCA’s Undergraduate Research Week (October 21-25), this panel discussion will explore how undergraduates can get involved in social science research in all its many forms. Panelists include current Woodrow Wilson Fellows and other URSCA-funded undergraduate researchers, as well as URSCA staff, who will offer guidance on getting started and […]

Beyond Joining a Lab: Designing Your Own Research Project in the Natural Sciences

@ Wyman 350 As part of URSCA’s Undergraduate Research Week (October 21-25), this panel discussion will explore how undergraduates can get involved in scientific research, and how they can craft their own projects within the structure of a lab. Panelists include current Woodrow Wilson Fellows and other URSCA-funded undergraduate researchers, who will offer guidance for […]

Digital Humanities Workshop Series: AnthroScore, Myra Cheng

Thursday, October 24, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Register Here! Myra Cheng, a PhD student in computer science at Stanford University, will give a talk titled "AnthroScore: Measuring Anthropomorphism and Other Implicit Framings in Text" for the Digital Humanities Workshop Series. Cheng's work is grounded in critical theory and humanistic insights, and aims to […]

2024 Latin American Film Festival – “The Padilla Affair” (Cuba, Spain)

Schriver 001 3400 N Charles, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

@ “EL CASO PADILLA” Pavel Giroud / Cuba, Spain / 2022 / 78 min Spanish with English subtitles In the spring of 1971 in Havana, poet Heberto Padilla is released from prison and attends a Cuban writers’ guild meeting. During the gathering, he delivers what he describes as a “heartfelt self-criticism,” admitting to being […]

URSCA Grants Drop-In Hours

@ Drop by the URSCA suite (Wyman 350) for guidance on applying to our grants and fellowships! Come ask questions and/or workshop your application materials with URSCA staff and current undergraduate researchers. No need to make an appointment — just show up! We have coffee and snacks! Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 […]

URSCA Grants Drop-In Hours

@ As we close out URSCA’s Undergraduate Research Week (October 21-25), drop by the URSCA suite (Wyman 350) to get all your remaining questions answered! URSCA staff and current URSCA-funded researchers will be on hand to provide guidance of all kinds on applying to our grants and fellowships. No need to make an appointment — […]

Conference: Writing at the Limit from France, 2000-2024

@ Un quart de tour: écritures contemporaines aux confins des genres Writing at the Limit from France, 2000-2024 Regional scholars of contemporary French poetry, novel, genre fiction, and intermedial writing discuss the last 25 years of literary production from France. Working papers, each based on a notion or concept, will be presented in French and […]

Conducting Object-Based Research at the Museum and Beyond

@ Baltimore Museum of Art Study Room As part of URSCA’s Undergraduate Research Week (October 21-25), the Baltimore Museum of Art will offer a workshop on conducting object-based research. Led by the BMA’s Assistant Curator of Academic Engagement, Dr. Robin Joyce, and Director of Conservation, Linda Owen, this workshop will provide guidance on engaging with […]

East Asian Studies Seminar – Sojung Kim

Gilman Hall 208

@ Graduate student Sojung Kim will present on “A Seed in an Empty Plain: Women’s Voices and Norms of Kinship” for the Fall 2024 EAS Seminar Series. The EAS Seminar is an interdisciplinary workshop for graduate students and faculty to present a pre-circulated work-in-progress. Organized by graduate students, the seminar also hosts methodology workshops, career-building workshops, and […]