Special Seminar – Leo Chi U Seak, Ph.D.

@ Value-based cognition: reward, computation, learning and problem-solving Many of our daily decisions are related to value. Choosing between food options, doingmathematic calculations, and learning something new, all of these procedures arelinked to value in different ways. In a series of research, we used neuroimaging (fMRIand MEG) in humans and single-neuron recordings in rhesus macaque […]

German Club Kaffeestunde

Gilman Atrium

@ Come and join the German Club for coffee, games, and conversation. Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live

German Club Kaffeestunde

Gilman Atrium

@ Come and join the German Club for coffee, games, and conversation. Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live

Returns of the Right: A Pre-Election Conversation in Global South Humanities (555 Penn)

555 Pennsylvania Ave NW 555 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States

Join us for a conversation between LEAH FELDMAN (University of Chicago), DONALD E. PEASE (Dartmouth College), PAUL BOVÉ (University of Pittsburgh) and AAMIR MUFTI (JHU English), leading humanities scholars who have thought deeply about the multifaceted “returns” of the political Right in different regions of the world. At the threshold of perhaps the most consequential […]

Bodian Seminar: Reza Shadmehr

@ Reza Shadmehr, Ph.D.Professor, Dept of Biomedical EngineeringJohns Hopkins University A vector calculus for neural computation in the cerebellum: Neurons in the brain are active not just during execution of a behavior, but also before its onset and after its conclusion. The leading theory that explains the meaning of these activities is that of null […]

Lecture – José Montelongo

@ BLC Macksey Seminar Room 2043 The Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies & the Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance, are pleased to welcome José Montelongo, the Maury A. Bromsen Curator of Latin American Books at John Carter Brown Library, for a lecture: IN SEARCH OF […]

Another India: Living Cosmologies and the Practice of Social Science (with author Chandan Gowda)

Date: Wednesday, October 16th Time: 4 pm Location: Jenkins 102 Join us for a talk by Chandan Gowda of the Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru about his new book Another India: Events, Memories, People, with comments by JHU anthropology professor Anand Pandian.   About the book. Another India summons cosmological fragments which have a […]

Solmaz Sharif: Ackerman Visiting Writer

Gilman 50

@ Born in Istanbul to Iranian parents, Solmaz Sharif is the author of Customs (Graywolf Press, 2022) and Look (Graywolf Press, 2016), a finalist for the National Book Award. She holds degrees from U.C. Berkeley, where she studied and taught with June Jordan’s Poetry for the People, and New York University. Her work has appeared […]

AGHI & Great Talk Inc.: The Phenomenon of Past Lives in Children’s Memories

Mason Hall Auditorium 3101 Wyman Park Dr., Baltimore, MD, United States

AND THE ALEXANDER GRASS HUMANITIES INSTITUTE, Johns Hopkins University Present a Series of Special Events >> REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! << The Phenomenon of Past Lives in Children’s Memories: The Science & the Skepticism. Altered States of Consciousness and Cognitive Psychology Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 7PM Eastern Johns Hopkins University, Mason Hall, 3101 Wyman Park Dr, Baltimore, MD […]

URSCA Grants Info Session

@ Wyman 350 To kick off URSCA’s Undergraduate Research Week (October 21-25), this info session will provide an overview of the undergraduate research grants and fellowships offered by the Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarly, and Creative Activity, as well as information about the application process and tips for getting started. URSCA’s research awards are available […]

Bodian Seminar: Thorsten Kahnt

@ Thorsten Kahnt, Ph.D.Chief, Learning and Decision-Making UnitNational Institute on Drug Abuse Orbitofrontal contributions to outcome-guided behavior Research across species has shown that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is critical for decision making. However, it is less clear what exactly the OFC is contributing to this function. I will present work using functional neuroimaging showing that […]

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Info Session

@ Wyman 350 To kick off URSCA’s Undergraduate Research Week (October 21-25), this info session will provide an overview of the Woodrow Wilson Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program, including information about the application process and tips for getting started. The Woodrow Wilson Fellowship is available to first-year Krieger undergraduates in all majors and disciplines. Students, faculty, […]