The Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies program is governed by a board drawn from faculty in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences at Johns Hopkins. The board provides general oversight of the program and serves as the program’s admissions committee.

Matthew Roller

Matthew Roller

Professor of Classics, Director of Undergraduate Studies

PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Personal Website

Joel Andreas

Joel Andreas

Associate Professor, Sociology

PhD, University of California, Los Angeles 

Personal Website

Richard Bett

Richard Bett

Professor of Philosophy

PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Personal Website

Samuel Chambers

Samuel Chambers

Professor and Chair, Political Science

PhD, University of Minnesota

Personal Website

Bill Eggington

William Egginton

Decker Professor in the Humanities, MLL
Director, Alexander Grass Humanities Institute

PhD, Stanford University

Personal Website

Marian Feldman

Marian Feldman

W.H. Collins Vickers Chair in Archaeology Professor of History of Art & Near Eastern Studies

PhD, Harvard University

Personal Website

Anand Gananadesikan

Anand Gnanadesikan

Morton K. Blaustein Chair and Professor, Earth & Planetary Sciences


Personal Website