AGHI is home to an array of talks, lectures, and symposia featuring some of the most importance voices leading scholarship today. Find out more about these events—from one-timers to recurring series—below. Make sure, too, to check out our programs page for other opportunities to get involved with AGHI-sponsored events (and those hosted by our partners and affiliates).

Lien drawing of the Ivy bookshop

Humanities in the Village

AGHI and the Ivy Bookshop brings scholarly work from our city’s thriving universities and colleges into conversation with a broader public audience.

Richard Macksey seated at a desk in a library piled with books

Richard A. Macksey Lecture Series

The Annual Richard A. Macksey Lecture invites a leading scholar to discuss the state of the humanities now, including how it affects our lives as thinkers, humanitarians, and community members.

Johns Hopkins seal on glass with tower in the background

Biannual Calley Symposium

Every two years, AGHI and affiliate programs offers the Calley Symposium.

colored Johns Hopkins seal on a window

New Faculty Lecture

Beginning in 2023, AGHI will introduce a new standing series celebrating one of the newest members of the JHU faculty. The New Faculty Lecture series will showcase the work of a new colleague as part of bringing together scholars from across departments, fields, and career stages.

Abstract Rectangles

Great Talk, Inc.

AGHI partners with experts from across Baltimore and relevant industries to offer “Conversations with a Purpose” for Great Talks. These public events offer community-centric opportunities to discuss urgent questions of the moment, from the future of artificial intelligence to medicine and criminalization of drugs to the social and political significance of our (and others’) identities.