AGHI partners with Great Talk Inc. to create a platform for meaningful conversations for a public audience. Since 2017, Great Talk has offered—in their words—a forum for Conversations with a Purpose, “enriching and providing interdisciplinary learning and intellectual engagement for the Greater Baltimore and Maryland communities by bringing people together to share live, accessible, and interactive conversations featuring distinguished speakers that address relevant issues including the arts, culture, the humanities, science, social concern and other areas at a wide range of venues in Maryland.”

Learn more about Great Talk Inc., including past speakers and events, plus how to get involved for future occasions, at their website.

Upcoming Great Talk Events

Past Great Talk Events

  • Oct. 4, 2023: “How to Educate Our Children for Their Best Future In a Changing World”
    —featuring Joshua L. Glazer (Assoc. Professor, George Washington University); Rain Pryor (Entertainer, Educator, and Activist); Oliver Song (Student Rights Advocate, Environmentalist and Activist); Conor P. Williams (Senior Fellow, Century Foundation); William Egginton, moderator (Director, AGHI and Professor, JHU). [Video below]
  • Oct. 21, 2020: “Stem Cells: Assessing the Cutting Edge Gene Design and Therapies
    —featuring: Dr. Eric Green, Director, National Human Genome Research Institute at NIH; Diane Hoffmann, Professor of Law; Director, Law & Health Care Program, University of Maryland Carey School of Law; Dr. Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, Chair, American Society of Human Genetics; Chair, Dept of Genetics and Genome Sciences at the Case School of Medicine, Univ. of Cleveland Medical Center; and Antonio Regalado, Senior Editor, MIT Technology Review. Moderated by: Professor William Egginton, AGHI Director and Decker Professor in the Humanities.