News Archive

Blast Courses returning for 2024

Banner for "Blast Courses in the Humanities" stating "new classes begin July 8, registration ends June 30, open to all!" Below text are 14 tiles with images of various historical, cultural, and imaginative artifacts.

Our interactive, online summer program returns this July to blast off on more than 10 new courses! Registration is now open, so see our Blast Courses in the Humanities page for more info—and join our email newsletter to get updates! Then get ready to Blast off for Week 1 beginning July 8th!

Plaster (director, Tabb Center) wins Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction for 2024

Some of the winners at the 36th annual Publishing Triangle Awards. (From L.) J.M. Redmann, Leslie Sainz, Helen Elaine Lee, Emily Drabinski, Joseph Plaster, Kris Kleindienst, Barbara Jane Brickman, Emily Zhou. Photo by Andres Otero. Source: PW/Triangle press photo.

Congratulations are in order for Tabb Center director and AGHI board member Joseph Plaster, who won the Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction for 2024 this week. The award, among the honors bestowed by The Publishing Triangle, went to Plaster's recent book, "Kids on the Street: Queer Kinship and Religion in San Francisco's Tenderloin" (Duke...

“Devoti Tutti” screening completes Humanities on the Mall for AY23–24

Sunset blankets the U.S. Capitol building, seen from the terrace level of the Hopkins DC building (and reflected in a neon border in glass).

April 7 saw the screening of "Devoti Tutti," the final event in AGHI's Humanities on the Mall series in DC for this academic year. Updates about the fall to come. And make sure you join us at Bird in Hand on April 29 for our last Humanities in the Village! More info in our calendar.

JHU mourns beloved scholar, activist, colleague Shani Mott

Shani Mott

AGHI joins the rest of the Johns Hopkins and Baltimore communities mourning the recent loss of Professor Shani Mott, a beloved and revered leader in Africana Studies, History, and housing equality.

Emre considers the marks on the wall—and on the page—where the human appears

Speaker Merve Emre presents at a podium in front of two JHU KSAS banners at the March 2024 Macksey Lecture in the Glass Pavilion.

Last week, AGHI hosted Professor Merve Emre (Wesleyan) as this year’s Macksey Lecture speaker for a double-header in both Baltimore and DC. Well known as a public essayist, interviewer extraordinaire, […]

Postdoctoral fellowships now open for AY24–25

AGHI is pleased to announce two postdoctoral fellowships which are now public, to begin in academic year 2024–25: a public humanities fellowship collaborating between the Tabb Center and AGHI; and the Society of Fellows for the new academic year.

Humanities on the Mall discussion ranges from info-overload to trust in the classroom

Panel of Aliza Watters, Michael S. Roth, and Chris Celenza sit (from left to right) with mics, against a backdrop of the National Mall in DC.

How do we build, nurture, and sustain communities of learning and mutual trust on college campuses? This question brought together three big hitters on the education scene from JHU and […]

AGHI events back in full swing for 2024

Mosaic with details from posters from AGHI events for Spring 2024. Full list of events noted in text.

Classes are back and so are AGHI's public humanities events for the new Spring 2024 semester. We kick things off TONIGHT (Monday, January 29th) and carry on through the late spring. See our calendar for the full list.

Kick off 2024 with big ideas—including some reading recs from our faculty

Mosaic of 18 recommended books listed at the link

Happy new year! We're celebrating by digging into some great books, all recommended by the amazing faculty and staff across JHU. (We even spied some suggestions from AGHI's director and affiliates...) And don't forget to shop local and support your local library.

How Public Humanities Programs Break Down Barriers

Sheridan Libraries Africana Archivist Tonika Berkley, Public Humanities Fellow Nicoletta Daríta de la Brown, and Tabb Center Director Joseph Plaster. Photo by Will Kirk.

Learn more about how Joseph Plaster—AGHI board member, Curator in Public Humanities, and Tabb Center Director—is collaborating with artists, curators, and community members on a new public humanities initiative. (Pictured: Sheridan Libraries Africana Archivist Tonika Berkley, Public Humanities Fellow Nicoletta Daríta de la Brown, and Plaster).