East Asia Unscripted Speaker Series – Monica Weller

Mergenthaler 526

@ Japan’s Role in International Cooperation and Development” with Monica Weller of the Japan International Cooperation Agency. This event is co-sponsored by the International Studies Program. Contact: East Asian Studies […]

Community-Engaged Research in Critical Diaspora Studies (part 2)

Please join the Program in Racism, Immigration, and Citizenship for a panel discussion about the contemporary landscape of diasporic and immigrant-rights organizing at the new Hopkins Bloomberg Center in Washington, DC. This event is part of a soft launch for a new undergraduate program at Hopkins called Critical Diaspora Studies (CDS)

Digital Humanities Transcription Workshop

Please join us for a Digital Humanities Workshop -- Writing the Rose ... Reading Digitally, focused on learning how to use FromThePage, a new software program that JHU has recently acquired […]

Joanna Trzeciak Huss: Zuzanna Ginczanka in Translation

Gilman 479

The JHU Translation Circle presents: Joanna Trzeciak Huss: Zuzanna Ginczanka in Translation Thursday, November 9th at 6 pm in Gilman 479 This event welcomes Joanna Trzeciak Huss, a professor of Russian […]

Graduate Workshop: Archival Methods in the Social Sciences

Please join this graduate workshop sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Program in Racism, Immigration, and Citizenship for a conversation on how to adopt archival research methods in the social sciences. The discussion will focus on research on political economy, colonialism, and state power. Speakers will offer practical guidance as well theoretical and methodological insights.