Professor Spinner’s new book Jewish Primitivism was published by Stanford University Press in July 2021. Around the beginning of the twentieth century, Jewish writers and artists across Europe began depicting […]
News & Announcements Archive
Maya Nitis receives Gender and Racial Justice Scholars Research Award
Congratulations to Maya Nitis on receiving a Gender and Racial Justice Scholars Research Award from JHU’s Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commemoration. For her project, “Decolonizing Knowledge in Pandemic Times,” mentored by […]
Almut Slizyk receives David Detjen Research Grant
Congratulations to Almut Slizyk on receiving the David Detjen Research Grant to conduct research at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv. Almut will work on two projects at the archive. She will study […]
April Symposiums and Lectures
The German program is hosting two virtual events in early April, which are open to the public. Visit the events section to get details and RSVP information about Sand Formations: […]
Remembering Kathy Loehmer
It is with great sadness that we let you know about the sudden death of Kathy Loehmer, senior academic program coordinator for the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. Kathy […]
Professor emeritus Paul R. Olson dies at 95
Renowned for his scholarship and teaching of Spanish literature, Olson spent 30 years at Johns Hopkins, researching and writing about medieval Spanish and Italian literature, linguistics, 20th-century Spanish poetry, and […]
Two new books edited by Professor Rochelle Tobias
Rochelle Tobias has two books just out or forthcoming: Phenomenology to the Letter: Husserl and Literature (De Gruyter) Hölderlin’s Philosophy of Nature (Edinburgh University Press)
JHU senior wins Boren Scholarship to Mozambique
Eduardo da Costa, a senior in the Portuguese program at Hopkins, received the Boren Scholarship award to study Portuguese in Mozambique. The Boren is an opportunity for students to study […]
Congratulations to Jason Yonover
Congratulations to Jason Yonover, winner of the 2020 David Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship of the American Philosophical Association.
Italian Graduate Cat Freddo Awarded Two Fellowships
Catherine Freddo holds a B.A. in Italian language and literature from Smith College and a M.A. in History of the Italian language from Middlebury College. She is currently a Ph.D. […]