Visiting Speaker Valeria Meiller: Lecture and Poetry Workshop

@ IN DEFENSE OF THE LAND: AGAINST ECO- & ACOUSTIC COLONIALISM IN 21st CENTURY PLURILINGUAL POETRY OF ABIAYALA (lecture) March 12th5:30 PMGilman 479 The environmental humanities have advanced persuasive arguments […]

Roots of Conflict, Paths to Peace

Virtual Livestream

Omer Bartov of Brown University, Bret Stephens of the New York Times, and Dr. Rula Hardal delve into the historical roots of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Ecopoetry/Ecopoetry Workshop

@ Gilman 119 The Program in Latin America, Caribbean and Latinx Studies is glad to present Valeria Meiller (Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Texas at San Antonio) for a […]

German Kaffeestunde

Gilman Atrium

@ The German conversation hour Kaffeestunde is back for the spring semester! Everyone is welcome to practice their language skills with conversation and language games. We are meeting every Friday […]

Bodian Seminar: Hendrikje Nienborg, M.D., Ph.D.

@ Hendrikje Nienborg, M.D., Ph.D.Senior Investigator National Eye InstituteNational Institute of Health Faculty Host: Dr. Daeyeol Lee Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live

Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium

@ The Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium, now in its sixth year, brings together undergraduate students from across the country to present their humanities and interdisciplinary research to a national […]

Bodian Seminar: Anna Schapiro, Ph.D.

@ Anna Schapiro, Ph.D.Assistant Professor Department of PsychologyUniversity of Pennsylvania Faculty Host: Dr. Chris Fetsch Learning representations of specifics and generalities over time There is a fundamental tension between storing […]

Latinx Immigrant Labor in Rebuilding New Orleans

@ Mergenthaler 426 The Program in Latin America, Caribbean and Latinx Studies is glad to present Sarah Fouts, Department of American Studies, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, for her talk on […]