French Faculty and Staff
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Bruce Anderson
Associate Teaching Professor, French, Language Program Director, French
Contact Information
- Gilman 417
- 410-516-0478
Education: PhD, Indiana University
Wilda Anderson
Professor of French, Director of Graduate Studies, French
Contact Information
- Gilman 418
Research Interests: Literature of the French Enlightenment; the relationship between science and literature; the French Revolution and its aftermath; Newton and newtonianism; digital culture; post-print forms of literacy
Education: PhD, Cornell University
Kristin Anna Cook-Gailloud
Associate Teaching Professor of French, Coordinator, Advanced French for Writing
Contact Information
- Gilman 442
- 410-516-8017
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Daniel Desormeaux
William D. and Robin Mayer Professor, Head of the French Subdivision
Contact Information
- Gilman Hall 482
- 410-516-7727
Research Interests: French and Caribbean literature and thought of the “long” 19th century; Haitian Revolution, race, and slavery; comparative analysis of Caribbean literature and religion; history of the book and French literary history; Fin-de-Siècle literature and transatlantic anthropology
Education: PhD, Emory University; M.A., Université du Québec à Montréal; M.A. Johns Hopkins University
Claude Guillemard
Senior Lecturer, French, Coordinator, French Elements
Contact Information
- Gilman 444
- 410-516-6041
Education: MA, Paris IV, Agrégation, Lettres classiques, Paris IV
Kenneth Loiselle
Visiting Associate Professor of French
Contact Information
- Gilman 449
- 410-516-4736
Research Interests: Freemasonry, secret societies and political revolutions; La Nouvelle France; male homosociality; 18th- and 19th-century egodocuments; interspecies relations
Education: PhD, Yale University
Suzanne Roos (she/her/hers)
Senior Lecturer, Coordinator, Intermediate French
Contact Information
- Gilman 446
- 410-516-8059
Education: MPhil, Yale University
Elena Russo
Professor of French, Director of Undergraduate Studies, French, Study Abroad Officer, French
Contact Information
- Gilman 488
- 410-516-7622
Research Interests: 17th- and 18th-century French literature; cultural and intellectual history of the Enlightenment; religious dissidences; sociability; the history of aesthetics; literary theory
Education: PhD, Princeton University
Derek Schilling
Professor of French, Director of the Centre Louis Marin
Contact Information
- Gilman 426
- 410-516-4626
Research Interests: Modern and contemporary French literature; film esthetics and theory; geocriticism; urban and suburban studies
Education: PhD/Doctorat du 3e cycle, University of Pennsylvania/University of Paris 8 (Vincennes/Saint-Denis)
April Wuensch
Senior Lecturer, French, Coordinator, Advanced French for Speaking
Contact Information
- Gilman 448A
- 410-516-7228
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Associated Faculty
Michael Kwass
Professor and Chair of History
Contact Information
Research Interests: Early modern France; the French Revolution; globalization
Lawrence M. Principe
Drew Professor of the Humanities and Director, Singleton Center for the Study of Pre-Modern Europe
Contact Information
Research Interests: Early modern and late medieval science and technology; history of alchemy/chemistry; science and theology
Education: PhD, History of Science, Johns Hopkins University, PhD, Organic Chemistry, Indiana University
Todd Shepard
Arthur O. Lovejoy Professor of History
Contact Information
- 410-516-8512
Research Interests: Modern France and French empire, decolonization, gender and sexuality
Education: PhD, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Emeritus professors
Jacques Neefs
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
- Gilman 401
- 410-516-7727
Research Interests: 19th-20th-century French literature; genetic criticism
Education: PhD (Doctorat d’État), University Paris 8
Stephen Nichols
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Research Interests: Medieval French literature
Education: PhD, Yale University