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PHS 50th Anniversary Film Screening

January 30, 2025 at 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm

Join us in celebrating 50 years of undergraduate public health education at Johns Hopkins University! To commemorate this milestone, we are hosting a special film screening created by alumnus Vinnie Parikh and current PHS student (and film minor) Will Taggart. This film features interviews with PHS alumni, current and former staff, faculty, and others who have contributed to and benefited from the program. They share their experiences and discuss how the program has shaped their careers.

Event Details:

  • Location: Glass Pavilion, Johns Hopkins University Campus

Enjoy complimentary pizza and pick up some free PHS memorabilia while you connect with fellow students. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate our program’s rich history and bright future

Flyer for PHS 50th Celebration Film Screening taking place on January 30, 2025 from 5:00pm - 6:00pm at Levering Hall's Glass Pavilion