This Is Public Health Virtual Graduate School Fair

ASPPH will host a This Is Public Health Virtual Graduate School Fair on July 11, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. Admissions representatives from over 50 schools and programs will discuss the graduate school application process, what admissions committees look for when reviewing applications, and answer prospective students’ questions. Learn more about the virtual graduate […]

Building Trust-Based Community Partnerships for Public Health Professionals – Workshop

Communities that experience the greatest burdens of climate and environmental hazards in their neighborhoods could greatly benefit from local public health experts who support their work and amplify their efforts. Relationships between community members and public health professionals can help ensure community needs are addressed in decision making and technical information is shared with those […]

IUSSP Debate

The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population will host a webinar debate, organized by Dr. Stan Becker, entitled ""The population of humans that can be supported sustainably on the planet at a reasonable standard of living is below 4 billion." Yes or No. " For details and registration, please visit:

PBS Docuseries Featuring Johns Hopkins Experts

Tune in to PBS on Tuesday Night to watch The Invisible Shield, a new four-part docuseries featuring Johns Hopkins experts, which examines how public health makes modern life possible, and how it is misunderstood.