Eric Feigl-Ding, ScD, JHU PHS ’04

Class Of 2004
As a Public Health Studies student at JHU in the early 2000’s from 2001-2004, Dr. Feigl-Ding saw the program grow from its early beginnings to becoming the largest major in Arts & Sciences. He credits the PHS program for allowing him to catapult his career at a very young age. 

John Pierre Cardenas, MSPH, PHS ’12, BSPH ’14

Class Of 2012
John-Pierre Cardenas served as the Director of Policy and Plan Management at the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (2017 – 2019), where he was the primary author of Maryland’s State Innovation […]

Matt McGough, MSPH, JHU PHS ’21

Class Of 2021
The best part of my job is being able to see the direct impact of my work on how health policy issues are covered in the media, developed by policymakers, and understood by the public.

Shahmir H. Ali, PhD, JHU PHS ’19

Class of 2019
It can sometimes be helpful to think about who you’re interested in working with before the topic itself - food and nutrition research wasn’t really on my radar before JHU, but I remember absolutely loving [Dr. Joel Gittelsohn's] energy during a lecture he gave...

Whitney Austin Gray, PhD, JHU PHS ’04

Class Of 2004
Dr. Whitney Austin Gray, an alumna of both the undergraduate PHS program (’04) and the Bloomberg School of Public Health (’10), has built a career at the intersection of public […]

Will Shefelman, JD, MPH, JHU PHS ’18

Class Of 2018
After graduating from law school, I will be working at a law firm in New York City. I am planning on joining a large law firm’s health care practice. I hope to get to use a wide range of skills I have developed in both law school and my time...

Zandy Wong JHU PHS ’24

Class of 2024
In October 2024, I started my master’s degree in Applied Digital Health at the University of Oxford as a 2024 U.S. Rhodes Scholar. Here at Oxford, I am conducting research to ensure that digital health innovations are accessible for patients with disabilities. In my free time, I have learned how...