Cleo Bluthenthal

Class Of 2024

One of my greatest takeaways from my work is the understanding that the relationship between community-informed research and public policy is inextricable, if we are going to change systems to be more just and equitable for all people.

Liesel Arauz Vallecillo

Class Of 2025

One of the first pieces of advice I got for directing was to choose a play that you absolutely love. For me, a public health student at Hopkins who has been interested in the intersection of art and advocacy since high school, Radium Girls by D.W. Gregory seemed like the obvious choice. ... It is a story that is still immensely relevant today as it is filled with themes of resilience, justice, innovation, and morality.

Zandy Wong

Class of 2024

My disability advocacy focuses on advocating for universal digital accessibility and equitable access to education and healthcare for people with disabilities through influencing policy and working within communities to enact change. I am trying to help create the world that younger “me” dreamed of when dealing with challenges related to my hearing loss - a world where accessibility is universal and having a disability is celebrated.