The International Studies Program said auf wiedersehen, goodbye to the rising senior BA/MA cohort who will be leaving for SAIS this fall at a reception hosted at Tambers Restaurant April 23. Faculty, staff, and students from all the BA/MA cohorts were on hand for the celebration. Good luck and best wishes to our KSAS ’25, SAIS ’26 students!
Clockwise from left: Alex Paolucci, Tess Lepelstat, Jessica Caterson, and Stephanie NjeriSofia Gosain and Roseliane CoronaClockwise from left: Nick Meeker, Emma Vengosh Weinthal, Akshat Sinha, Adithyan Neelamana, and Charlie WheelockClockwise from left: Mary Lee, Greta Cortez, Jina Lim, Shayna Faul, Mia Venezia, and Qingxi WangSteven Zhang, Professor Andrew Ross, and Director of the Global Education Office Jessica Mervis