Students in the International Studies Program can receive funding to study abroad or enhance their language learning opportunities, or to apply for internships. Below is a list of grants available to students.

International Travel Grants

Aronson International Experience Grant

The Aronson International Experience Grant awards have been made possible through a generous gift from Jeffrey and Shari Aronson as part of the Aronson Center for International Studies. They are designed to make educational opportunities abroad more accessible to International Studies Program students.

Brown Family Travel Fund

The Brown Family Travel Fund is an endowment supported by the H.L. and Elizabeth M. Brown Foundation. The fund is geared toward rising or current seniors in the International Studies Program.

Hull Family Study Abroad Fund

The Hull Family Study Abroad Fund was created with the purpose of providing Johns Hopkins undergraduates with the opportunity to study abroad at the University’s SAIS-Europe center in Bologna, Italy.

Summer Travel Grants for Research in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies

LACLxS offers small grants to support summer research and travel in Latin America and the Caribbean. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis, and the competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students of Johns Hopkins University.

Language Learning Grants

Blakemore Freeman Fellowships & Refresher Grants

Blakemore language grants are awarded to individuals pursuing professional careers in fields such as business, academia, journalism, public service, law, science, medicine, architecture, engineering, the fine arts, education, etc. who would benefit from improved fluency in an East or Southeast Asian language.

Center for Language Education (CLE) Study Abroad Scholarship

The CLE Study Abroad Scholarship program is available to students studying a language offered in CLE overseas during the academic year (fall, spring, and summer).

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships assist students in acquiring competence in foreign languages as well as a fuller understanding of the regions and countries in which those languages are commonly used. The Krieger School of Arts and Sciences undergraduate International Studies Program on the Homewood campus and the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, DC are approved by the U.S. Department of Education to award FLAS fellowships to eligible Krieger and SAIS students studying the following languages: Arabic, Haitian Creole*, Hebrew*, Hindi*, Indonesian**, Italian*, Japanese, Korean, Persian**, Portuguese*, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, and Yiddish*. Fellowships may also be awarded to students studying other languages on a case-by-case basis. (*Languages only offered at Homewood; **Languages only offered at SAIS.)

U.S. Department of State Language Programs Web Site

The U.S. Department of State has a new website intended to be a “one-stop” platform listing U.S. government language programs for Americans seeking to learn a foreign language.  In addition to State and Defense programs, several of the Department of Education’s Title VI and Fulbright-Hays programs are also listed.  Each of the site’s program entries includes a list of languages taught under the program.

Internship Grants

Note: All undergraduates participating in international internships must meet with a study abroad adviser and register with the Global Education Office before submitting their internship funding application. Furthermore, students whose experience is in a country determined to be at high risk by the U.S. Department of State and/or the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) must submit a petition to the Global Education Office.

Robins Internship Grant

Through the generosity of alumnus Charles Robins, Johns Hopkins University offers funding for selected students to gain business-related or economic development-related experience through internships in East, Southeast, or South Asia. The experience can be in private industry, or it can be in a government or nonprofit setting as long as the position is focused on business/economic development, finance, accounting, marketing, or management. 

Applications can be found by searching “Robins” in the jobs section of the Handshake platform.

Second Decade Society Internship Grant

The Second Decade Society (SDS) is the alumni leadership development program for the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences. Thanks to the efforts of the SDS, several grants of up to $5,000 each are available to students for summer internships. Internships must be unpaid or sponsored by a nonprofit organization.

Un(der)paid Life Design Lab Internship Scholarships 

Many internships that students get in the summers are unpaid or underpaid. Still other students commit significant time to volunteering or immersive programs rather than summer internships. The Un(der)paid Life Design Lab Internship Scholarship grants provide up to $3,000 in funding to help make ends meet and to acknowledge the significant value of these experiences for developing professional skills.

Faculty Research Grants

KSAS humanities and social science faculty at any rank can now apply for grants of up to $2,000 to fund the participation of International Studies majors in their academic projects. The goal of these grants is to support student training and learning through participation in faculty-designed research, scholarly, and creative projects as well as to foster mentorship relationships between students and faculty in any of the fields covered by International Studies (usually, but not exclusively, Anthropology, Economics, History, Modern Languages and Literatures, Political Science, and Sociology).

Faculty can apply to the International Studies Faculty Grants for Undergraduate Research program to support (a) undergraduate student employment as a research assistant or (b) events that are designed to build a cohort or community of undergraduate researchers, including conferences and field trips. If the funding is to be used for student RA employment, all HR logistics must be handled by the faculty person’s home department. The International Studies Program is happy to help faculty recruit student researchers for proposed projects.

Each grant recipient will be required to submit a short report on the research project or activity at the end of the academic year in which the grant is awarded. Faculty are also responsible for ensuring that human participant research conducted under the auspices of this grant program is evaluated and approved by the Homewood Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Application Deadline: September 1. To apply, send an email describing the project and justifying the need for funding (up to $2,000) to [email protected]. Please include the name(s) of the student(s) involved (if known) along with an approximate timeline and budget.

This grant program is supported by the Aronson Center Fund for International Studies.