News & Announcements Archive

International Studies and East Asian Studies Jointly Offer 2023 Intersession Course

International Studies and East Asian Studies Jointly Offer 2023 Intersession Course

The East Asian Studies Program and International Studies Program offered a special intersession course January 17-19 called Spotlight on Archives – Research Tools and Careers. Students in the class learned about […]

Protests and State-Making in Jordan Book Talk

Protests and State-Making in Jordan Book Talk

The International Studies Program welcomed professor and author Jillian Schwedler to the Homewood campus on December 13 to discuss her new book Protesting Jordan: Geographies of Power and Dissent. Students […]

Study Break!

The International Studies Leadership Council sponsored a study break for students on December 12 during reading period. Students enjoyed cookies, cocoa, hot apple cider, and the occasional, strategic games of […]

SAIS Europe Receives $100 Million Dollar Gift

SAIS Europe Receives $100 Million Dollar Gift

A transformative gift of $100 million from philanthropists James and Morag Anderson to Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies’ Europe campus in Bologna has just been announced. Part of […]

Johns Hopkins Foreign Affairs Review (FAR) Call for Submissions

The Foreign Affairs Review is currently soliciting short essays of between 3 and 4 pages in length, long essays of between 4 and 8 pages, as well as term papers […]

Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations Graduates!

The International Studies Program, after a long hiatus, once again took over Gertrude’s at the Baltimore Museum of Art on May 21st for the annual commencement reception. Students and their […]

Students Develop Marketing Campaign for Real Simple

Students Develop Marketing Campaign for Real Simple

“Acting as co-CEO for our integrated marketing campaign with Real Simple has been an incredibly unique and enriching experience that has taught me about communication, leadership, and collaboration.” Michelle Tu, […]

Hostile Terrain 94 Exhibition

Hostile Terrain 94 Exhibition

From October 2021 through January 2022, the Archaeological Museum will co-host the participatory exhibition “Hostile Terrain 94” in partnership with several other entities, departments, and programs at Johns Hopkins University. The exhibition […]

Fall 2021 Welcome Back Party

Fall 2021 Welcome Back Party

The International Studies Program celebrated the start of the new academic year with an in-person gathering on the Keyser Quad outside of Mergenthaler Hall September 30th. Current and new International […]

Co-Winners of the Tucker Prize for Best Thesis

Co-Winners of the Tucker Prize for Best Thesis

Congratulations to Nicole Kiker and Valerie Xu for their selection as co-winners of the Robert Tucker Prize for Best Thesis in International Studies. Nicole was advised by Professor P.J. Brendese […]