Diffusions et circulations des pratiques maçonniques, XVIIIe–XIXe siècle, eds. 

Diffusions et circulations des pratiques maçonniques, XVIIIe–XIXe siècle, eds. 

Brotherly Love: Freemasonry and Male Friendship in Enlightenment France

Brotherly Love: Freemasonry and Male Friendship in Enlightenment France

La Figure du Bibliomane

La Figure du Bibliomane

A history of the figure of the bibliomaniac or excessive book-lover. The _bibliomane_ was condemned until the 19th century, at which point it met with veneration in a literary temple of which Flaubert, Stendhal, Nerval, Barbey d’Aurevilly, and Anatole France were so many pillars.

Mémoires du général Toussaint Louverture

Mémoires du général Toussaint Louverture

This edition brings to light the authentic memoir of protest written by Toussaint Louverture, the first black memorialist in French history. Daniel Desormeaux sheds light on the political and ideological dimension of these memoirs which constitute a historical document unique in the genre.

Alexandre Dumas, fabrique d’immortalité

Alexandre Dumas, fabrique d’immortalité

Alexandre Dumas admired from afar the Pantheon and the illustrious dead who had made their way there. Like Chateaubriand, who lamented the fate of the de-pantheonized Mirabeau, he conceived of what could be his glorious tomb: his work itself. This book retraces the posthumous thought that Dumas entertained around his work.

Les Biographies littéraires: théories, pratiques et perspectives Nouvelles

Les Biographies littéraires: théories, pratiques et perspectives Nouvelles

Authors’ lives expose the real and imaginary relationships forged between their private inner being and their literary production. Contributors to this volume aim to question the literary work in its relation with its author’s life: what knowledge does biography create? What choices does its practice require?

Screening the Paris Suburbs: From the Silent Era to the 1990s

Screening the Paris Suburbs: From the Silent Era to the 1990s

Decades before the emergence of a French self-styled ‘hood’ film around 1995, French filmmakers looked beyond the gates of the capital for inspiration and content. In the Paris suburbs they […]

Balzac, l’éternelle genèse

Balzac, l’éternelle genèse

L’ensemble de La Comédie Humaine est le résultat d’un immense travail de révisions et de transformations s’étalant de 1829 à 1855. De façon nouvelle et diversifiée, cet ouvrage aborde ce […]

Romanesque Signs

Romanesque Signs

Romanesque Signs: Early Medieval Narrative and Iconography is a classic of medieval scholarship that laid the foundations for viewing literature as an historical artifact that should be read in conjunction with the art, architecture, sculpture and religious rituals produced in the same period.

Savoirs en Récits II

Savoirs en Récits II

Le dix-neuvième siècle a connu une ambition encyclopédique nouvelle, il a rêvé d’un rapport assuré au monde et à la connaissance, mais il a connu aussi bien – ce faisant – un rapport déroutant à la fragmentation, à la pluralité, aux contradictions, aux illusions.

Styles of Enlightenment

Styles of Enlightenment

Styles of Enlightenment argues that alongside its democratic ideals and its efforts to create a unified public sphere, the Enlightenment also displayed a tendency to erect rigid barriers when it came to matters of style and artistic expression.

Rethinking the Medieval Senses

Rethinking the Medieval Senses

How much can we know about sensory experience in the Middle Ages? These essays examine the psychological, rhetorical, and philological complexities of sensory perception from the classical period to the late Middle Ages.

Eric Rohmer

Eric Rohmer

Few filmmakers have taken the principle of the “talking picture” so far as Eric Rohmer, the internationally renowned director.

Mémoires du quotidien: les lieux de Perec

Mémoires du quotidien: les lieux de Perec

Surveying his own career in 1978 for the purposes of a short essay entitled “Notes sur ce que je cherche,” Georges Perec suggested that his work was animated by four […]

Skeptical Selves

Skeptical Selves

This book examines three first-person novels that narrate spectacular failures of self-representation.

Diderot’s Dream